Green Business Strategies Got You Stuck?
With our tools and expertise, we'll quickly have you on track to Zero Waste!

Most business leaders know the importance of green business operations, but some are hesitant to engage in the process for the lack of three key elements:
An actionable and profitable sustainability plan
A proven process to educate themselves and their teams for success
Internal and external communication strategies that garner buy-in at every levels of the business
Your green story offers a multitude of benefits that ultimately affect your bottom line.

Lower Costs

Save on costs when waste containers and hauler pickups are "right-sized" for specific business needs. This ensures optimization by avoiding too much bin capacity or a too frequent weekly collection schedule.
Save on additional costs with a program that prioritizes the diversion of discards from landfills through reuse, repair, repurposing, recycling, and beneficial food waste management. These methods extend the lifecycle of materials and minimizes the need to purchase new items.
Capitalize on potential financial incentives, such as legal food donations and carbon credits that could directly boost revenue and help offset the costs of waste diversion programs.
Positive Environmental Impact

Some estimates claim that as much as 97 percent of solid waste hails from commercial or industrial operations and only 3 percent is yielded by the general population.
Businesses that implement a Zero Waste program not only help save community landfill space, they also help spur economic growth and vitality.
By diverting discards through the proper channels, such as recycling and composting, businesses can also help ensure the development of local green jobs.
Positive Brand Image

Smart business owners and managers use varying methods to differentiate their brands within an industry. Increasingly, one of those ways is by pursuing Zero Waste programs.
Eco-friendly businesses are positioned to brand products as healthier, more sustainable, and less impactful on the planet than industry counterparts.
These businesses are ensuring readiness to tap into the $46 billion in global collective buying power of the "Millennial" and "Gen Z" consumer, many of whom align with corporate sustainability, social justice, and environmental protection as core values that drive purchasing decisions.
Deep Customer Loyalty

Consumers today are conscious of the negative impact of non-sustainable practices and prefer to support businesses that have invested in initiatives designed to protect the environment. A recent IBM study found eight in 10 consumers are ready to alter their shopping habits to support reducing environmental impact. They are knowledgeable about “greenwashing” and will seek out businesses authentic in their efforts and those able to validate sincerity in their green initiatives find that it pays off.
In a society dominated by social media, strong customer loyalty coupled with online brand exposure is invaluable. Achieving a green brand reputation will not only result in deeper customer loyalty, it can also increase the probability of gaining brand ambassadors.
Employee Empowerment

In today’s workforce, many employees are looking to be part of a corporate organization that they can believe in and trust. Implementing a corporate Zero Waste program can not only boost employee morale but can also help attract top-tier talent to join the ranks and lower the costs associated with employee turnover.
This can also provide opportunities to empower employees as participating in efforts, such as recycling drives, volunteer projects and operational changes frequently make employees feel more connected to their employer. Employees can also share efforts with their family and friends, who may increase how much they approve of an employee’s work as a result.

Dell Technology's Supply Chain Manager, Starjjil Shelvin, describes how our Zero Waste training program helped keep employee waste diversion skills sharp.
“Ms. Savage’s extensive knowledge and connection to the recycling and reuse network in Texas offered the best available support for marketing and advocating the beneficial reuse of our ceramic materials.”
Tony Biddle
Sr. EHS Specialist
Kohler Co.
“Stacy has worked in the Austin area to push for policy changes that break the "put it in a hole" cycle. She was one of the key advocates of Austin's shift towards a Zero Waste Plan, which has had profound environmental and economic impacts on the city.”
Thomas Vinson
Zero Waste Program Director
University of Texas at Arlington
"Stacy is one of the most deeply passionate and knowledgeable people I know when it comes to Zero Waste. I have seen her excel as a leader at Texas Campaign for the Environment and provide good follow-through as co-founder of the Austin Zero Waste Alliance."
Brandi Clark-Burton
Winner, Austin Chronicle’s “Best Of”
Sustainable Leadership
“Knowing Zero Waste Strategies is working with our property managers directly is a huge relief!”
Edmee Knight
Senior Manager, Sustainable Real Estate
Unico Properties